Registration & Fees
Nursery Education Funding
All children are entitled to 15 hours free government funding for nursery education from the term after their 3rd birthday until they start state school. When your child is eligible, the treasurer will ask you to complete a form which they will send off on your behalf. The funding is paid directly to Playgroup.
We also offer the 30 hrs free government funding and 15 hours for 2 year olds for all eligible parents. Please speak to Marj our administrator to discuss this.
Company Childcare Vouchers
Northleach Playgroup is happy to accept payment (full or part) in the form of company childcare vouchers. Once you receive your invoice you will need to make the payment through your Company’s scheme. For any details required from us, please contact the Playgroup Office.
How to Register Your Child
You and your child are extremely welcome to come along and have a look at our premises and a session in progress. If you would like to do this, please ring us on 01451 860019 to arrange a convenient time.
If you would like to register your child at Northleach Playgroup you will be asked to complete a registration form. We will advise you of the available places, or place you on our waiting list until a suitable vacancy becomes available.
Before your child joins, you will be asked to fill out a medical/contact form. The medical/contact form provides information on allergies, and special medication or ongoing illnesses about which the playgroup leader and staff will need to be aware. All forms are confidential.
If your child has a special need, we will be more than happy to discuss any requirements with you and will do our utmost to accommodate these needs.
We look forward to welcoming you and your child to Northleach Playgroup.
Per Session

Full Day

Additional Hour
